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08h 00–12h 30/13h30–17h00


International projects opportunities matchmaking

 International projects opportunities matchmaking

These services collectively form the backbone of BAGO Strategy Consulting's efforts in fostering mutually beneficial collaborations between state companies and project initiatives across borders.

BAGO Strategy Consulting provides a range of services aimed at connecting state-owned companies seeking investment projects with entities offering project initiatives seeking various forms of support:


  • Investment Opportunity Identification: Identifying and assessing potential investment projects in multiple sectors across international borders.
  • Financial Matchmaking: Connecting state companies with entities seeking financing for their projects, facilitating funding arrangements.
  • Implementation Support: Offering guidance and assistance in the execution and implementation of projects, ensuring seamless integration.
  • Technical Consultations: Providing specialized technical expertise and consultations to both investing companies and project initiatives.
  • Specialized Management Services: Offering management expertise tailored to the specific requirements of projects and companies involved.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Analyzing and mitigating risks associated with cross-border investments and projects.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Facilitating collaborations and strategic partnerships beneficial to both state companies and project entities.
  • Project Evaluation and Monitoring: Continuous evaluation and monitoring of projects for efficiency and effectiveness.